Name |
Description |
License |
![](../_internal_images/PNG/anaconda_logo.png) |
Python distribution for large-scale data processing, predictive analytics, and scientific computing.
- Python package manager installed to the local user directory.
- Containins nearly all of the packages listed in this table.
- Python packages can be installed or updated via command-line utility.
- Virtual python environments can be created for testing new packager versions without administrator priveleges.
- Local development python environments do not overright the system python installation.
- License: ???
- BSD-Like: ???
pip |
Built-In command line install any package from Python Package Index
- Python package manager installed to the global system directory.
- Contains minimal python installation.
- Python packages can be installed or updated via command-line utility.
- License: MIT
- BSD-Like: Yes
![](../_internal_images/PNG/numpy_logo.png) |
N-dimensional array package
- More memory efficient that python List type, with vector operations implemented in C.
- Data is interpreted in 2 ways:
- As N dimensional Arrays (for data buffers)
- 2D Matrix types (for linear algebra).
- Algebra operations are implemented in 2 ways:
- Short-hand convenience operators eg.(d = (a+b)*c).
- Memory efficient "ufuncs" that avoid temporary variables multiply eg.(sum(a,b,out=d),c,out=d).
- License: BSD
- BSD-Like: Yes
![](../_internal_images/PNG/scipy_logo.png) |
Scientific Library for Python
- A large linear algebra implementation of LINPAC and BLAS that uses numpy arrays.
- Slowly being broken up into separate scikits.
- Useful for fft and reading Matlab database files.
- License: BSD
- BSD-Like: Yes
![](../_internal_images/PNG/scikit-rf_logo.png) |
Package for RF/Microwave engineering
- RF tools, mainly centered around network theory.
- Calibration and De-embedding.
- RF plotting tools implemented in Matplotlib.
- License: BSD
- BSD-Like: Yes
![](../_internal_images/PNG/matplotlib_logo.png) |
2D plotting library which produces publication quality figures in a variety of hardcopy formats and interactive environments across platforms.
- A central Python analytical plotting library that many other libraries use.
- Very comprehensive, very interactive, but not suitable for real-time plotting.
- Can be embedded in Qt applications and IPython notebooks.
- Two programming modes:
- State-based Matlab-Like pyplot for interactive plotting commands (usefull for IPython notebook).
- Full object-oriented API for software development.
- License: PSF-based
- BSD-Like: Yes
![](../_internal_images/PNG/plotly_logo.png) |
Online graphing, analytics, and stats tools for individuals and collaboration, as well as scientific graphing libraries for Python, R, MATLAB, Perl, Julia, Arduino, and REST.
- Web-based post-processing of data stored on a server.
- Can convert Matplotlib plots to online plots.
- Python, R, MATLAB, Node.js, Julia, and Arduino and a REST API.
- Can be embedded inside a IPython notebook or inside a custom Javascript dashboard using Plotly.js.
- Hosted on external or internal server.
- Implemented in Python, Django, and JavaScript.
- License: Commercial
- BSD-Like: No
- Pricing: $60/month/organization
![](../_internal_images/PNG/pytables_logo.png) |
Managing hierarchical datasets and designed to efficiently and easily cope with extremely large amounts of data.
- Binding HDF5 databases (used in .mat files) with NumPy arrays.
- Useful for large datasets or hierarchical datasets.
- Data can be access from memory or disk using NumPy API.
- License: BSD
- BSD-Like: Yes
nose |
Extends unittest to make batch testing easier
- Enhancement of built-in Unit testing.
- Good for running unit-tests in batches.
- License: LGPL
- BSD-Like: No
![](../_internal_images/PNG/sphinx_logo.png) |
Makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful documentation
- Web Docs are written using reStructured Text (.rst) which is converted to HTML.
- Web API is autogenerated from comments in Python/C++ code.
- License: BSD
- BSD-Like: Yes
![](../_internal_images/PNG/pyside_logo.png) |
Python bindings for the Qt.
- C++ wrappers of Qt4 that are compiled as shared objects (.so).
- Command line tool that converts Qt Designer (.ui) files to python (.py) files.
- License: LGPL
- BSD-Like: No
Shiboken |
Plugin (front-end) for Generator Runner. It generates bindings for C++ libraries using CPython source code.
- CPython wrapper generator that binds C++ objects (Qt) to Python objects.
- Supports cross-language inheritance, overloading, and encapsulation.
- Basic support for C++ container types and no support for C++ template classes.
- License: LGPL
- BSD-Like: No
Boost.Python |
A C++ library which enables seamless interoperability between C++ and the Python programming language.
- C++ template wrapper generator that binds C++ objects to Python objects.
- Better support for C++ containers with dynamic types (eg. NumPy arrays).
- Generates very large binary files.
- License: BSL
- BSD-Like: ???
Boost.NumPy |
Boost.NumPy is an extension for Boost.Python that adds NumPy support. |
- License: BSL
- BSD-Like: ???
![](../_internal_images/PNG/cython_logo.png) |
Optimising static compiler for both the Python programming language and the extended Cython programming language
- Used to bind C and Python
- Convert any Python (.py) to Cython (.pyc) by changing the file extension.
- Add Cython specific syntax including static types, function type information, and disable limit checking to optimize code.
- Compile as a shared object (.so) and import into Python.
- License: Apache
- BSD-Like: Yes
Numba |
With a few annotations, array-oriented and math-heavy Python code can be just-in-time (JIT) compiled to native machine instructions, similar in performance to C, C++ and Fortran, without having to switch languages or Python interpreters.
- Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler that uses LLVM compiler to compile Python code on the fly.
- The code is compiled on first execution and may produce lag.
- Can be used to optimize Python code without converting to Cython using (@)decorators.
- Add "@jit" for lazy function optimization.
- Add addtional function type information for better optimization.
- License: BSD
- BSD-Like: Yes
Paramiko |
Implementation of the SSHv2 protocol, providing both client and server functionality. |
- License: LGPL
- BSD-Like: No
![](../_internal_images/PNG/django_logo.png) |
High-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design |
- License: BSD
- BSD-Like: Yes